Saturday, February 27, 2016

Oktaria 6B

Title                 : Asking Question
Subjects           :
The Number of students         : -
Title of skills   : Basic Skills of Questioning and Clarifying in Conseling

Questions help the interview in a lot they open areas a discussion assist in pin pointing issues and they can be used to facilitate they help yourself exploration questions indicate that a person is interested in you and what you have to say good questions help people explore themselves and their feelings more deeply. questions can make a person feel interrogated questions to early can interfere with the development every pore are can make people put up defenses rather than open up so this is insane. Talk about some people don't like certain kinds of questions when in fact the questions they don't like. So they're going to have to have your own style and this is going to be deferred but there's a lot to learn here about the question that we're talking about but how about the Bible we're just not doing as secular class here in counseling and coaching skills. About the other person open questions encourage talking an exploration now. What is an open question like one that doesn't ask yes, you're now an open question might be, how are you guys doing in the class today because you can answer that allow different ways. When are open questions used to begin the interview where I usually start my county is all say something like this:
“what can I do to help you?” is that fairly open they can and sure about anything, can't day help in the interview percent you interviewing to elaborate on a point, “could you tell me more about that?” illicit examples out specific behavior,” tell me what that looked like” when you did it how could you give me a specific example now that problem focus the client's attention and feelings okay. I understand what happened now how did you feel about that helping you find client thinking patterns that are not obvious why would a person do something like that at could questions past control to the client.

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